畢爾包 寫:colour 寫:第一球
間接自由球! 對手開出
cautions 射球球員
no cautions
間接自由球! 對手開出
cautions 射球球員
真的嗎? 例從何出?

When a penalty kick is being taken, and after the referee has given
the necessary signal, a team-mate of the player identifi ed to take the
kick suddenly rushes forward and takes it instead. What action does
the referee take?
The referee stops play and restarts the match with an indirect free kick
to the defending team where the infringement occurred i.e. where
the player advanced closer than 9.15m. The player is cautioned for
unsporting behaviour.
FIFA Q&A 2006 Page 35 Q 4
If, while a penalty kick is being taken, the ball is kicked by a team-mate of the
player who had been previously identified:
• the referees stop play, caution him for unsporting behaviour and order the
match to be restarted with an indirect free kick to the defending team, to
be taken from the penalty mark (see Law 13 – Position of free kick)
Futsal LOTG 2010-2011 LAW 14 Page 51
Infringements – after the whistle and before the ball is in play
Outcome of the kick
Goal No goal
Attacking player Penalty is retaken Indirect free kick
Kicker kicks backwards Indirect free kick Indirect free kick
Kick by
unidentified player Indirect free kick Indirect free kick
Defending player Goal Penalty is retaken
By both teams Penalty is retaken Penalty is retaken
Futsal LOTG 2010-2011 Guideline Page 149