比賽球員不可以穿帶頸項鑽介等首飾出場的指引, 應該眾所周知.
我個人認為裁判員既為球場的一份子, 亦應遵照辦理, 一是以身作則, 二是保障球場上所有人的安全, 避免意外發生, 這是指引的終極精神. 至少應該避免穿帶尖硬飾物, 即使宗教飾物也同樣道理. 同意否???
版主: 版面管理員
WaterWorld 寫:比賽球員不可以穿帶頸項鑽介等首飾出場的指引, 應該眾所周知.
我個人認為裁判員既為球場的一份子, 亦應遵照辦理, 一是以身作則, 二是保障球場上所有人的安全, 避免意外發生, 這是指引的終極精神. 至少應該避免穿帶尖硬飾物, 即使宗教飾物也同樣道理. 同意否???
yeah09 寫:Law 4 – The Player’s Equipment
The Laws of the Game make it clear that no jewellery may be worn by players.
Mere taping to cover jewellery is not allowed.
Referees are expected to set an example and also remove any items of their own jewellery.Checks on player’s equipment, both pre-match and pre-substitution should be undertaken with care.
A player later seen to be wearing jewellery on the field must be required to remove it immediately and should be cautioned (Yellow card) for unsporting behaviour.
ahsir 寫::smt003
Easy - QUIT !!
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