版主: 版面管理員
fuming 寫:ahsir 寫:fuming 寫:cho cole 寫:Hello Fu Ming
Nice to met you here
Hey ,cho cole ,it's very happy to come here ,and nice to met you too.
符明-明日之星- 為南京周德銓之高足啊 !!
方主席 pls follow la.
ah sir ,
Hi~ Fu Ming, How are you?:smt006
It is my honour to meet you.
I am the chairman of the HKFRA.
My name is Fong Yau Fat.
Please help me to greet Mr Zhou De Quan.
I look forward to seeing your comments.
正在瀏覽這個版面的使用者:沒有註冊會員 和 2 位訪客