版主: 版面管理員
kk 寫:我係新團友亞 健
在此多謝所有日本團嘅前輩,團友,以及東京,山形朋友嘅友善,熱情招待, 令大家有一個難忘嘅旅程.
特別多謝教練-- 川哥, 令我喺第2場對東京有明顯進步.
Francis LUK 寫:May I express my gratitude to Mr. Yuichi NISHIMURA for his kind accompanying.
The show in Disney Sea was so great that Yuichi told me to mention here.
Hope he might know how to access to our website.
ahsir 寫:Francis LUK 寫:May I express my gratitude to Mr. Yuichi NISHIMURA for his kind accompanying.
The show in Disney Sea was so great that Yuichi told me to mention here.
Hope he might know how to access to our website.
"The show in Disney Sea was so great...."
What Show ? - only sweat sweat & sweat !!
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