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註冊時間: 2004-02-20 文章: 948 來自: 九龍半島
發表於: 09年1月15日10:45 星期四 文章主題: About the video clip of the match |
ee_cwlab 寫到: | http://hk.youtube.com:80/watch?v=4tgtvDSwReI
但係睇番呢段片 .... 原來 朗尼之前已經成套動作做晒而且開埋 .... 傑斯純粹係應傳球 ...
咁又點呢 ? |
I try to click on the link, but unable to replay the clip. But anyway, I did watch the match on that night, and I remember the referee was signal MU to retake. But the TV station was replay only when Ryan Giggs contain the ball and pass close to corner flag area. Then, it was a goal, but referee blow the whistle and request MU to take the corner kick.
From my point of view, only serveral could happen and need to retake as follow:
(1) The referee was signal to hold the restart, and he might verbal warning player (s) in the penalty area; or
(2) Before that, the ball taken by Wayne Rooney was not in proper position.
But from what you mention, the case (2) is not apply to the case, and I think it should be the case (1) for such matter. This is only my personal opinion, and anyone feel free to share their view.
 _________________ 緊記每一場球賽都以一百個percent以上做到最好 - MY GAME IS FAIR PLAY |
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kwong kin
註冊時間: 2007-12-16 文章: 811
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月15日22:08 星期四 文章主題: |
You are right
No problem la
Player can do that
But in this game :On that time Referee is verbal warning some player in the penalty area so Referee must retaken
Fair Play
_________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up
cho cole 在 09年1月16日20:53 星期五 作了第 1 次修改 |
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註冊時間: 2004-02-20 文章: 948 來自: 九龍半島
發表於: 09年1月16日12:42 星期五 文章主題: Reply to Kwong Kin |
Kwong Kin, as I share my opinion and mention at above message. For what I put up the conculsion that, is by the LAW OF THE GAME. Only one word - FAIR PLAY
Hope you understand and same as Chan Sir always said study the Law but need to use it properly
 _________________ 緊記每一場球賽都以一百個percent以上做到最好 - MY GAME IS FAIR PLAY |
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月16日20:54 星期五 文章主題: |
Good opinion _________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up |
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kwong kin
註冊時間: 2007-12-16 文章: 811
發表於: 09年1月17日00:56 星期六 文章主題: |
有時太著重細節,反而忘了真正嘅意義...... |
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月17日02:07 星期六 文章主題: |
kwong kin 寫到: | 多謝兩位師兄提點,
有時太著重細節,反而忘了真正儱N義...... |
但你熟悉球例是好事!做得好!繼續努力! _________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up |
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註冊時間: 2004-02-20 文章: 948 來自: 九龍半島
發表於: 09年1月18日05:33 星期日 文章主題: That's why... |
kwong kin 寫到: | 多謝兩位師兄提點,
有時太著重細節,反而忘了真正嘅意義...... |
You're welcome! That's why we need to speak up and share your idea at this forum, no matter is question or ask for answer
 _________________ 緊記每一場球賽都以一百個percent以上做到最好 - MY GAME IS FAIR PLAY |
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月18日07:11 星期日 文章主題: |
答:.......請大家回答.......... _________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up |
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註冊時間: 2005-06-23 文章: 1547 來自: I LOVE THE GAME
發表於: 09年1月18日18:50 星期日 文章主題: |
这个 触球无效,怎么解阿?
_________________ 人逢喜事精神爽……
还可以一直做着梦! |
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註冊時間: 2005-06-23 文章: 1547 來自: I LOVE THE GAME
發表於: 09年1月18日19:17 星期日 文章主題: |
很多时没分析犯规了,  _________________ 人逢喜事精神爽……
还可以一直做着梦! |
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月18日20:07 星期日 文章主題: |
你的案例不球例研討吧!是一些主觀討論 _________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up |
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註冊時間: 2004-02-20 文章: 948 來自: 九龍半島
發表於: 09年1月20日10:18 星期二 文章主題: If this is the case |
cho cole 寫到: | 首先:哪守門員是沒有碰到球!OK
你的案例不球例研討吧!是一些主觀討論 |
First, try to share my idea on the case one, if the goalie did not touch the ball before the throw-in, the goal should not be allow. Otherwise, if the player touch the ball, Referee should allow is a Goal.
Second, Mr. Yeah09 share the case, and as we know Referee has his or her own character, and in The Law of The Game mention: In the opinion of the Referee...agree
 _________________ 緊記每一場球賽都以一百個percent以上做到最好 - MY GAME IS FAIR PLAY |
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cho cole

註冊時間: 2003-11-05 文章: 25675 來自: HKFRA
發表於: 09年1月20日11:05 星期二 文章主題: |
Yeah09都想大家分甘同味 _________________ cho cole
Keep strong never give up |
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註冊時間: 2004-02-20 文章: 948 來自: 九龍半島
發表於: 09年1月20日11:26 星期二 文章主題: Re: If this is the case |
富蘭克林 寫到: | cho cole 寫到: | 首先:哪守門員是沒有碰到球!OK
你的案例不球例研討吧!是一些主觀討論 |
First, try to share my idea on the case one, if the goalie did not touch the ball before the throw-in, the goal should not be allow. Otherwise, if the player touch the ball, Referee should allow is a Goal.
Second, Mr. Yeah09 share the case, and as we know Referee has his or her own character, and in The Law of The Game mention: In the opinion of the Referee...agree
So, Ah Cho did you speak up and share your idea to your department magazine about the difference
 _________________ 緊記每一場球賽都以一百個percent以上做到最好 - MY GAME IS FAIR PLAY |
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